Photo courtesy Ines Leong, photographer, and Pembrooke & Ives
Photo courtesy Ines Leong, photographer, and Pembrooke & Ives
Photo courtesy Ines Leong, photographer, and Pembrooke & Ives

Saving Money By Reducing On-Peak Energy Use

Saving Money By Reducing On-Peak Energy Use

Jan 29, 2024

Jan 29, 2024

Jan 29, 2024

Habitat Magazine's recent coverage reveals how co-op and condo buildings in New York City are significantly benefiting from participating in Con Edison's energy demand-response programs. Through these programs, buildings like The Lincoln Square Condominium and The Future Condominium are earning substantial financial rewards for reducing electricity usage during peak demand periods. These efforts are streamlined and enhanced by our involvement, Logical Buildings, utilizing our SmartKit AI software. Our role in managing these initiatives facilitates direct financial incentives for these buildings and substantially contributes to reducing overall energy bills and improving their energy efficiency grades. This collaboration showcases a practical and profitable approach to energy conservation, aligning financial benefits with environmental responsibility.

Habitat Magazine's recent coverage reveals how co-op and condo buildings in New York City are significantly benefiting from participating in Con Edison's energy demand-response programs. Through these programs, buildings like The Lincoln Square Condominium and The Future Condominium are earning substantial financial rewards for reducing electricity usage during peak demand periods. These efforts are streamlined and enhanced by our involvement, Logical Buildings, utilizing our SmartKit AI software. Our role in managing these initiatives facilitates direct financial incentives for these buildings and substantially contributes to reducing overall energy bills and improving their energy efficiency grades. This collaboration showcases a practical and profitable approach to energy conservation, aligning financial benefits with environmental responsibility.

Habitat Magazine's recent coverage reveals how co-op and condo buildings in New York City are significantly benefiting from participating in Con Edison's energy demand-response programs. Through these programs, buildings like The Lincoln Square Condominium and The Future Condominium are earning substantial financial rewards for reducing electricity usage during peak demand periods. These efforts are streamlined and enhanced by our involvement, Logical Buildings, utilizing our SmartKit AI software. Our role in managing these initiatives facilitates direct financial incentives for these buildings and substantially contributes to reducing overall energy bills and improving their energy efficiency grades. This collaboration showcases a practical and profitable approach to energy conservation, aligning financial benefits with environmental responsibility.

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Habitat Magazine